Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Okay, old timer. Starting now, you will be held ACCOUNTABLE for every act of violence you commit - and the CONSEQUENCES will be delivered to your door. Peel! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Starting now, this neighborhood belongs to the people who LIVE in it. my management.This could be a heckuva team! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Yeah, it looks like everyone's here but Steed and Mrs.
#Movies quotes database code
Your powers are kinda funky, and your code names stink.But with the proper management.

Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Best bunch'a heroes you ever saw! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) I'm startin' to think maybe this Midwest team isn't such a bad idea.

New York or California, it makes no difference! Once an Avenger, always an Avenger! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) I'm strictly a bow and arrow type. Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Come on! Tigra's one tough lady and Wonder Man's up there in Thor's league! What could possibly threaten him? - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) East Coast or West. and it's you!! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Watch out for the Skull, Rick! Don't try to take him alone! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Dig Pietro! Back in the Avengers for two days, and already he's making with the leader-sounds! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Stand aside kiddies, while Goliath does his thing! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) I heard you mumble you were lookin' for Doc Strange - and I wanna know what a brainless baboon and a sorcerer have in common! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Dynamite! I knew sittin' in for this one gig with the Defenders was a good move! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Thrice shalt thou see me, Thrice shall we vie - and then on the fourth time Steve Rogers shall die! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Married! Married! Mantis I was expectin'- though an intelligent tree for a groom came outta left field- But Wanda and the Vision took me completely by surprise! That synthezoid's sly, boy! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Cap trusted me - had faith in me - even when I wasn't sure I deserved it! I've met alot of Joe's in my time - but there'll never be another like Captain America! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Hey, Avengers? Where's the cake and brass band, huh? Hawkeye's back! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) I might be wrong, but I think gruesome just wiped out our two strongest members.without batting an eye! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) From now on, if Avengers are needed anywhere west of the Rockies, we'll answer the call! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) I was just remembering how I used to be the one who always blew his stack. will it figure that the once-mighty Avengers are washed up? Can we make it without Cap - the greatest leader a fighting team ever had? - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Mister, I may not be great shakes on quotes. Clinton Barton (Earth-616) ' - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) ' - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Say somethin', willya? I hate to fight in silence! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Anyone ever tell you how your eyes sparkle when you're angry? - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) A joker with a tongue like mine can't afford to get mad at what anyone else says! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) I didn't know there was a contest goin' on! But we should'a guessed it! Seems like everybody's tryin' to conquer the universe these days! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) Sheesh! This lab looks like somebody really pearled our harbor! If that's what happens when we win a fight, I sure hope we never lose one! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) I'm not sure I believe in Thunder Gods! - Clinton Barton (Earth-616) The world still doesn't know that Cap's quit us! When it finds out. It means I've been fooling myself this whole time. And if I miss, it means I'm just another dude with a bow. I could have been happy with Mockingbir- Bobbi. And if I'm not special, then none of this is worth it. The training is the only thing that makes me special. Victims Quotes by Clinton Barton (Earth-616) I mean, I can't miss.Pages with a quote from this character will automatically be added here along with the quote.) (Please add any important quotations that may be missing, ensuring to cite the original source. List of all notable quotes by or about Clinton Barton (Earth-616).